HTMMA 2023 Cap & Gown Session


High Tech Middle Media Arts Campus.

2230 Truxtun Rd, San Diego, CA 92106

Date & Time:

Friday, April 21st from 11am to 5pm.


We’ll provide the traditional cap & gown for every student.

Please register below.

Register for 2023 Cap & Gown Session

Additional Information

Parents are welcome to attend.

Congratulations on your child's middle school graduation! We know it's an important time in your child's life, and we want to make sure you love their portraits. You're welcome to be present while we take their pictures.

Proofs will be available online.

After the Cap and Gown session is finished you'll receive an email with the link for your online proofs. You'll be able to purchase prints, products, and digital files. All physical goods are delivered to your home.

We’ll provide the outfit.

We’ll provide the traditional cap & gown for every graduating student.

Please feel free to email us at if you have any questions or concerns regarding the 2023 Cap & Gown session. You can also fill up the contact form by clicking on the button below.